Anthony Papa is pardoned by Gov. Andrew Cuomo and becomes the first person in the history of NYS to receive clemency and a pardon Papa on The Leonard Lopate Show
"Anthony Papa's work, beginning with his incredible paintings, continuing with his ground-breaking memoir, 15 to Life, and now this new offering, This Side of Freedom, is almost single-handedly documenting one of the greatest civil and human rights disruptions in our nation's history: the human destruction caused by the war on drugs policies. Papa brings us, in living color and painful authenticity, what these gross violations of human rights do to the spirit, but more, how the spirit can still soar despite mountains of adversity. His is truly a hero's journey and one we should all take with him". -- asha bandele, author of The Prisoner's Wife
"Anthony Papa's "15 To Life" is a gripping story of justice gone wrong and an inspiring tale of personal triumph. It is a scathing indictment of the antiquated Rockefeller drug laws that have imprisoned thousands of nonviolent offenders and wasted billions of dollars of taxpayer money" -- NYS Governor Andrew Cuomo--author of Crossroads
"Tony is the human face of these inhumane laws," said Governor Andrew Cuomo who has in the past been championed the drug-reform cause in New York" Alternet
Gov. Cuomo and Papa on Court TV Talking Rock Law Reform
Actor Uma Thurman narrates Anthony Papa's Drug War Story
A story of inspiration of the human spirit that creates a common path that anyone could follow in transcending a negative experience.
15 to Life tells a rare adventure story: how an average married Joe, was railroaded by the subterfuge surrounding the War on Drugs, was able to get an early release from prison through his art and become a major activist against the draconian drug laws that took his life way. Offered a chance to make a quick $500, Anthony Papa agreed to deliver an envelope in a fated police sting operation. His first and only criminal offense cost Papa a 15-year sentence to Sing-Sing, New York State’s maximum-security prison. Suicide was contemplated when Tony Papa realized that the best years of his life would be spent in a six-foot cell. One day he discovered painting. It gave him hope, and he discovered a talent. When the Whitney Museum chose his painting to exhibit, he had to lie because of the jarring stipulation that the painting chosen would have to be that of a murderer. He did and soon afterward he received intense media attention. Governor Pataki got wind of his case, and after 12 hard years of time, Anthony Papa was granted clemency. Once released Papa spends his life trying to save those left behind. 15 to Life is more than a dramatic story of one mans struggle to survive and change the system — it is also an important sociological piece and a call for reform of the destructive laws of the War on Drugs.
"Anthony Papa's "15 To Life" tells of a heroic escape from a brutal system by a man who refused to give up. A thrilling, unforgettable read! -- Tim Robbins
"Anthony Papa has written a riveting account of how he courageously painted his way to freedom from prison after unnecessarily serving twelve years. His story puts a human face on the nearly one million nonviolent drug offenders confined in prisons throughout the country" --Susan Sarandon -Actor/Activist
"Anthony Papa's "15 To Life" is a must read for the hip-hop community. Over 94% of the 17,000 people locked up under New York's drug laws, the harshest drug laws in the country, are black or Hispanic. Like Papa, I am trying to end these racist laws. We need your voice. You can start by reading this book -- Russell Simmons
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the Rockefeller Drug Law Movement Since 1997
Rockefeller Drug
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BRIEF History OF Mothers of the NY Disappeared
Activism 101 - Projects & archival articles
Fielding Dawson & Al (Grandpa ) Lewis
& Veronica Flournoy Memorial & JUDGE JERRY MARKS
Selected Anthony Papa Tony Papa interviews
Tony Papa at Jay-Z afterparty with his memoir "This Side of Freedom"
Roger Stone Interviews Papa on "The Stone Cold Truth"
Papa Interview on "Let Them Talk"
Papa on WPIX Close Up on Voting and Felony Disenfranchisement
Papa with Sting, Montel Williams and George Soros
Papa on HBO's Oz (Oswald Penitentiary)
Papa appears on The David Pakman Show
Papa on the Brian Leher Show WNYC
Voices of Our World Papa's 1st Radio interview
Read this review of my art exhibited at Tufts University Gallery
Papa in clemency PSA to Gov. Cuomo
Anthony Papa’s Art on Saatchi Gallery
Papa on Newsweek talking about the Drug War
NY DAILY NEWS EXCLUSIVE! N.Y. drug reform activist Anthony Papa receives pardon from Cuomo
Amazing video of Papa's Art & Activism
Papa on Democracy Now Sessions Plan is DUMB ON CRIME
Papa in Richard Johnson's column in the NY POST
Over one million views!
Contact : anthonypapa123@gmail.com for information